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Digital Citizenship Curriculum

We are committed to teaching our students the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are essential in becoming safe and productive digital citizens.

We will teach each student digital curriculum that has been created by ASD Technology specialists.

Below are the core areas that students will learn and revisit during the school year.

Digital Footprint Lessons

  • Students will explore and understand how their digital footprint can lead others to draw conclusions (both positive and negative) about who they are
  • Students will reflect what responsibility they have to themselves and others as they post to social media regarding their digital footprint
  • Students will be able to define the term digital footprint and understand that their digital footprint is permanent

Vocabulary to be learned: Digital Footprint, Invisible Audience, Oversharing, Digital Reputation

Digital Privacy Lessons

  • Students will be able to define online tracking and describe how companies use it
  • Students will be able to identify the benefits and drawbacks of online tracking to both companies and users
  • Students will be able to analyze specific examples of online tracking

  • Vocabulary to be learned: Cookies, Online Tracking, Personalized Content, Targeted Advertising, Third Party

    Communication & Relationships

  • Students will be able to identify the types of messages that might cause a red flag feeling for someone they’ve met online
  • Students will be able to use the Feelings & Options thinking routine to analyze and respond to a situation involving a red flag feeling
  • Students will learn how to have safe conversations online and navigate, avoid and assess awkward and risky situations

  • Vocabulary to be learned: Grooming, Digital Media, Sharing, Privacy, Manipulating

    Media Balance

  • Students will explore ways that different types of digital media are, and aren’t, designed to help us make good media choices

  • Students will reflect on how digital media is designed to either help or hinder the addition of meaning and value in our lives

  • Students will learn how to develop good, healthy habits when using digital media

  • Vocabulary to be learned:

    Addictive Design, Feedback Loop, Humane Design


  • Students will learn how to identify examples of online behaviors that may hurt, embarrass, or offend others
  • Students will discuss real-life digital dilemas and practice how to respond to situations
  • Students will discuss the differences between communicating online and in person and the best ways to respond to avoid hurting people’s feelings

  • Vocabulary to be learned: Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, Hate Speech